What Does Having a “Growth-Oriented Mindset” Mean to the Process of Coaching?

Here’s an account of a executive coaching engagement in which i had partnered with a young and growth-oriented assistant manager at a large auto conglomerate. He was identified for a leadership role as part of the career progression exercise undertaken by the organization. The BU and the HR head had shared the context and presented with an opportunity for me to interact with the client on a 1:1 basis. This was the discovery meeting wherein the process, ground-rules are discussed and the client also shared his expectations from the program. When it became evident that coaching was the way forward for the client, we planned our schedule of coaching conversations! It was a virtual coaching engagement, thanks to the pandemic as it taught us how to embrace the new normal with technology as an enabler! Throughout the process, i observed a lot of commitment in the client- commitment towards the process, his goals, the actions he
had defined for himself and above all commitment towards constant
development. The initial 3 sessions revolved around establishing his key
goals, developing a roadmap and some actionable. However, the real
breakthrough emerged from the 4th session in which we were able to delve
deeper into the roadblocks and blind spots. What really supported was the
vulnerability and openness shown by the participant which allowed hidden
insights/realizations to emerge. And as a follow-up every time he would
share the instances of actual demonstration of these learnings at work. Since one is able to strongly assert that there have been instances of positive change and clarity, I believe nothing can stop his growth, should this course continue. This is in fact just the beginning! He had experienced moments of low too- however, he states that he was able to pick himself up in a way much better than he could earlier. What really worked here was his strong sense of commitment, and the vulnerability/openness fueled by his desire to grow which helped us create a safe space for trust and respect!

While uncovering such insights has been absolutely invaluable, I am also gratified to learn the impact that coaching had created as seen through the lens of his superior, team members and business leadership!

It is certainly magical to see how coaching brings out an impact in ways quite not obvious to comprehend! After all, each individual journey is different and hence a new insight each time! And this is the biggest excitement for a coach every time!.

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